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5 underrated things every girls should have in their bag.

  Hello girls! Today i'm going to share must needed items in your bag. Moreover, I will be sharing those products which most girls forget about or are unaware of.  Safety pins.                                                                                                                                                 who knows what's gonna happen next. There might come an embarrassing situation, where safety pins can save you.Personally, I have been in that situation for several times where these little pins have turned to be a life saviour. It can be useful for everyone not just for girls.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Energy bar.                                                                                                                                             I often get hungry. So I like to carry just an

Procrastination: Simple ways to overcome it

What does it mean when a person keeps on delaying his work? He doesn't want to start his task. He finds it better to postpone.  What is procrastination? Procrastination is the state of mind where people keeps on avoiding the work they might be doing at a certain deadline. People often compare procrastination with a mental disorder. But does it make sense?  For some people, it might be symptomatic of a psychological disorder. It is because procrastination has been linked with negative terms like low self-esteem, irrational behavior, and so on.  Why do people procrastinate?  If they do not like the work. If they do not know where to start. If they do not like the person to work with.  If the person fails to prioritize their task.  How to overcome it?  Break your big task into small ones and start working on them.   Example: If you have the assignment to submit on Friday, break your assessment for each day. Do the introduction part on Sunday. Do next on Monday and so on. It makes your


What makes you happy? Is that materialistic thing or inner peace that makes you happier ?  I asked myself. I’m in such stage of life where I’m lost. I want to have clear skin, good grades, some gadgets, healthy relationships and many more. I thought i would be happy If I own everything that I just mentioned. Actually i still think that. But at the same time I feel insecure. When i see people with good skin and body I start comparing to mine. And I don’t find mine one better so,I feel down and i consider that as i’m not a happy soul.  What I’m doing is, I’M PSYCHOLOGICALLY PRESSURING MY MIND TO THINK AS I’M NOT HAPPY AFTER SEEING OTHERS. Next, I wanted a air bud desperately. I thought wearing that makes me look cool and I’ll be happy. Eventually I got that. I wear that but it worked same as my previous earphone. I thought that i would be happy after getting that but now I don’t have same importance of that bud after i own it myself. I’m loosing interest to use that. I don’t feel happy n