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Why is digital marketing much better than traditional marketing?

  The way that companies communicate with their clients has been revolutionised by digital marketing. Digital marketing, as opposed to traditional marketing, makes use of the internet's power to engage customers, reach a larger audience, and increase conversions. This essay will examine the advantages that digital marketing offers to firms as well as why it is superior to traditional marketing. Cost-Effective Compared to traditional marketing strategies, digital marketing is far more cost-effective. Digital marketing offers a more affordable option to more expensive traditional marketing strategies like TV ads, billboards, and print advertisements. Compared to conventional marketing strategies, many digital marketing platforms, including social media, email marketing, and content marketing, are either free or much less expensive. Additionally, real-time optimisation of digital marketing campaigns enables companies to minimise costs and maximise ROI. Obtain a Larger Audience
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How My Marketing Course Has Made Me Market Ready?

  IT industry is one of the blooming industries in the world. Many people wish to work in the IT industry with the aim of earning more, work flexibility, and social status. Similarly, I aim to work as a digital marketer in the IT industry. To complete my plan to work as digital marketer, the module “Marketing Consultants has helped me in many ways. This module covered different topics including market research, consumer behaviour, advertising, and digital marketing which are crucial to understand as digital marketer.   At First, I gained the knowledge on customer’s persona. Where, I found out information about what people desire and how they will interact. To satisfy the expectations and demands of the customer, personas are used to build messaging, customer journeys, service experiences, and product features. I started learning about the abilities necessary for a digital marketer once I decided the area, I wanted to work in. I learned that SEO is a crucial component of this course

5 underrated things every girls should have in their bag.

  Hello girls! Today i'm going to share must needed items in your bag. Moreover, I will be sharing those products which most girls forget about or are unaware of.  Safety pins.                                                                                                                                                 who knows what's gonna happen next. There might come an embarrassing situation, where safety pins can save you.Personally, I have been in that situation for several times where these little pins have turned to be a life saviour. It can be useful for everyone not just for girls.                                                                                                                                                                                                  Energy bar.                                                                                                                                             I often get hungry. So I like to carry just an

Procrastination: Simple ways to overcome it

What does it mean when a person keeps on delaying his work? He doesn't want to start his task. He finds it better to postpone.  What is procrastination? Procrastination is the state of mind where people keeps on avoiding the work they might be doing at a certain deadline. People often compare procrastination with a mental disorder. But does it make sense?  For some people, it might be symptomatic of a psychological disorder. It is because procrastination has been linked with negative terms like low self-esteem, irrational behavior, and so on.  Why do people procrastinate?  If they do not like the work. If they do not know where to start. If they do not like the person to work with.  If the person fails to prioritize their task.  How to overcome it?  Break your big task into small ones and start working on them.   Example: If you have the assignment to submit on Friday, break your assessment for each day. Do the introduction part on Sunday. Do next on Monday and so on. It makes your


What makes you happy? Is that materialistic thing or inner peace that makes you happier ?  I asked myself. I’m in such stage of life where I’m lost. I want to have clear skin, good grades, some gadgets, healthy relationships and many more. I thought i would be happy If I own everything that I just mentioned. Actually i still think that. But at the same time I feel insecure. When i see people with good skin and body I start comparing to mine. And I don’t find mine one better so,I feel down and i consider that as i’m not a happy soul.  What I’m doing is, I’M PSYCHOLOGICALLY PRESSURING MY MIND TO THINK AS I’M NOT HAPPY AFTER SEEING OTHERS. Next, I wanted a air bud desperately. I thought wearing that makes me look cool and I’ll be happy. Eventually I got that. I wear that but it worked same as my previous earphone. I thought that i would be happy after getting that but now I don’t have same importance of that bud after i own it myself. I’m loosing interest to use that. I don’t feel happy n

Thing I’m missing today..

                                                                                         Those small pairs of gloves my parent used to bring  Since, I was one day old and opened my eyes for the first time I’m missing them right now. I’m desperately missing them. It’s not because I took sunbath this cold morning and had time to go through album to see baby me.  Not because I was staring at my hands for several minutes the day before yesterday.  And knowing my palms have clear lines  But also I didn’t remember my tiny gloves because of soft and beautiful hands I own. That small two and a half years baby with bare foot and cracked cheeks  That kid, whose pillow was stone and bed was that street. He made me compel to miss those warm gloves I used to have back then, when I could not even remember one single thing.                                                                          -Prapti Khanal

His arms were not comfortable

Some people claim that being in arms of your beloved one gives you the greater pleasure!  It is the safest and comfortable place in the world !!  With one who makes you believe that love exists Someone who can easily read your mind  Someone who can understand your emotion just of your body gestures  One who is never happy without your sparkle !! To some extent this might be true, but it never relates  Whenever people say this gloaming words about love  Reflection comes on my mind  Which are like nightmares that hits me up today  I was unaware, I used to feel the same his arms were my favorite place to be  But I cannot forget those scratches he had made on me  Those moments  when I was crying,  Screaming, but he never cared despite he was enjoying and never wanted to stop  At beginning I was screaming loud as I could but it was useless  I was so scared so weak by all energy were lost by the time I couldn’t scream  Then tear were drowning down  He w